Heartleaf Skullcap by Chris Kneupper


The GCBO plant nursery is a self-guided retail space and plant propagation area, emphasizing local native and other useful (naturalized) plants useful for home landscaping and backyard habitat.  Begun in the summer of 2017, it is located behind (east of) the GCBO office building. GCBO visitors are encouraged to take a look around, and see if they see any unusual species that they cannot live without!

Members and friends of GCBO are also encouraged to help, by bringing in any seeds or plants which may be worthy of propagation (also plastic pots, for re-use), to help build a wide and unique inventory. Workdays are scheduled on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to noon, when volunteers and staff can work as a team to perform needed chores and maintenance of the area.

Unique offerings include many of the local pollinator-supporting plants (such as Blue Mistflower, Missouri Ironweed, Swamp Sunflower, Maximilian Sunflower), native Hibiscus (several species), woodland or shade-tolerant wildflowers (such as Turk’s Cap, Heartleaf Skullcap, Purple Meadow-rue, Selfheal, Texas Umbrellawort, Gulf Coast Penstemon, etc.), local ecotypes of flowering understory trees (such as Cherry Laurel, Mexican Plum, hawthorns) and canopy trees (such as oaks).


The root of the matter:

  • Located in the fenced area behind the main building
  • Volunteer helpers always welcome (workdays are on Thursday mornings)
  • Customers: Payment is made at gift shop inside the main building
  • Prices are to be based on pot size:
    • $6.50 for 1 gallon pot
    • $16.50 for 5 gallon pot
    • $26.50 for 10+ gallon pots
    • All others priced as marked
  • Nursery is self-service, but feel free to inquire within if you have any questions