Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 2. Moderate north wind shifted west late morning and eventually south. Nice variety with 4 buteos and 4 falcons including the first countable Crested Caracara. Bob
2 Black Vulture
87 Turkey Vultures
1 Osprey
24 Northern Harrier
19 Sharp-shinned Hawks
39 Cooper’s Hawks
1 Red-Shouldered Hawk
63 Broad-winged Hawks
6 Red-tailed Hawks
68 Swainson’s Hawks
1 American Kestrels
1 Merlin
1 Peregrine
1 Crested Caracara
1 White-tailed Kite
2015 Smith Point YTD
Black Vulture 44
Turkey Vulture 636
Osprey 69
Bald Eagle 7
Northern Harrier 339
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1819
Cooper’s Hawk 1152
Red-shouldered Hawk 37
Broad-winged Hawk 19769
Red-tailed Hawk 68
Swainson’s Hawk 315
Ferruginous Hawk 0
White-tailed Hawk 3
Harris’s Hawk 0
Zone-tailed Hawk 0
Golden Eagle 0
American Kestrel 522
Merlin 54
Peregrine Falcon 73
Prairie Falcon 0
Crested Caracara 1
Mississippi Kite 4925
Swallow-tailed Kite 99
White-tailed Kite 13
Hook-billed Kite 0
unidentified Accipiter 8
unidentified Buteo 4
unidentified falcon 0
unidentified eagle 0
unidentified raptor 0
Total 29957