Tad reports 439 migrating raptors today.
Broad-winged Hawk 240
Swainson’s Hawk 50
Sharp-shinned Hawk 91
Cooper’s Hawk 3
Turkey Vulture 8
American Kestrel 16
Peregrine Falcon 8
Merlin 3
Osprey 6
Northern Harrier 14
In the early morning hours huge numbers of swallows mixed with swifts flew by the tower. Other birds of note included a flock of 42 Greater White-fronted Geese and about 15 Wood Storks that flew back and forth in front of the tower most of the afternoon. Nina Sitra and Mark Swanson helped out most of the day. Thanks y’all.
The Smith Point Hawk Watch is funded entirely through donations and grants. We have received a number of donations! Thank you! We still need additional funding however. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so on our website. We appreciate the support very much!