Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 30. Strong southeast winds and overcast. Rain ended the count at 1415. Winnie Burkett and Julie made a slow day fun. Bob Migrants 5 Northern Harriers 8 Sharp-shinned Hawks 2 Cooper’s Hawks 5 American Kestrels
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 29
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 29. Moderate north winds changing to east at 1030. Good numbers of White Pelicans and Greater White-fronted Geese. Bob Migrants 3 Black Vulture 100 Turkey Vultures 7 Northern Harrier 1 Bald Eagle (white belly type) 4 Sharp-shinned Hawks 14 Cooper’s Hawks 137 Broad-winged Hawks 10 Red-tailed Hawks 11 Swainson’s […]
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 28
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 28. Strong southwest winds became mild midday. Passerines were moving in the first few hours. Bob Migrants 23 Turkey Vultures 7 Northern Harrier 10 Sharp-shinned Hawks 3 Cooper’s Hawks 2 American Kestrels 1 White-tailed Kite
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 27
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 27. Moderate northwest winds and overcast until noon. Birds arrived with the sun. Nice variety today and some nice surprises: 2 storks, 16 Sandhill Cranes and 3 different age classes of Bald Eagles. Marvin Masters and Joe Kennedy helped with the count. Bob Migrants 8 Black Vulture 79 Turkey […]
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 26
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 26. Very strong northwest winds and overcast. 3 Greater Yellowlegs on exposed mud flats and 2 Roseate Spoonbills were treats. Bob Migrants 5 Northern Harriers 5 Sharp-shinned Hawks 2 Cooper’s Hawks 1 Merlin
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 24
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 24. Moderate east winds and overcast. Ended at noon because of
1 Northern Harrier
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 23
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 23. Sturdy southeast winds, overcast and slowwww. Bob
4 Northern Harriers
3 Sharp-shinned Hawks
2 Broad-winged Hawks
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 22
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 22. Strong east winds thru the day and no thermals and no rain. Bob Migrants 8 Northern Harrier 18 Sharp-shinned Hawks 8 Cooper’s Hawks 55 Broad-winged Hawks 2 American Kestrels 2 Peregrine Falcon 1 Mississippi Kite 2015 Smith Point YTD Black Vulture 31 Turkey Vulture 347 Osprey 66 Bald […]
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 21
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 21. Strong east winds thru the day and no thermals but stll some Broad-winds. Howard and Linda helped find birds. Bob Migrants 6 Northern Harrier 15 Sharp-shinned Hawks 7 Cooper’s Hawks 104 Broad-winged Hawks 2 American Kestrels 1 Merlin 1 Peregrine Falcon 1 Mississippi Kite
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 19
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 19. Moderate east winds that shifted to southeast at 1300. Fun to see one more Mississippi Kite. Bob Migrants 36 Turkey Vultures 6 Northern Harrier 18 Sharp-shinned Hawks 2 Cooper’s Hawks 71 Broad-winged Hawks 1 Swainson’s Hawks 2 White-tailed Hawks (2nd year) 6 American Kestrels 1 Mississippi Kite 2 […]
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