The Gulf Coast Bird Observatory is pleased to host: Raptor Migration Worldwide with William S. Clark. This presentation will take place 7:30pm Friday, October 13th, 2023. The presentation is free and open to the public, with a $5 donation suggested. We will have Bill’s books on hand if you’d like to purchase a copy and have them signed.

More than half of the World’s species of diurnal raptors perform annual migrations, especially those populations in higher northern and southern latitudes. However, the entire population migrates in only a few species. Beginning with North America, Bill will show photographs of and discus some of the locations on five continents where people regularly gather to count raptors. Bill will show many of the raptors counted at each site, present some count data, and give some of his personal experiences at many of these sites. Some count sites differ in how the raptors pass. Bill will use many maps from Raptor Watch and present some data from Migration Ecology of Birds.

Bill Clark is a photographer, author, researcher, and lecturer and has over 50 years of experience working with birds of prey, including 5 years as Director of NWF’s Raptor Information Center. He has published numerous articles on raptor subjects; has traveled extensively world-wide studying, observing, and photographing raptors; and regularly led raptor and birding tours and workshops, both home and abroad. Bill regularly teaches evening and weekend courses on raptor field identification and biology in the US and Canada. He has written a raptor field guide for Europe and another for Mexico and Central America and yet another for Africa is in press. He is a coauthor of the Photographic Guide to North American Raptors and the completely revised Peterson series guide, Hawks. He has on-going research projects on Harlan’s Hawk, White-tailed Hawk, and Harris’s Hawk.


Course texts: 

Hawks of North America Second Edition (Peterson Field Guide)

Photographic Guide to N. A. Raptors.

Additional texts by Bill:

Raptors of Mexico and Central America