Herping Adventure with Romey and Erin Swanson for 2 People

Winning Bid: $225.00

Item condition: New



Join Romey and Erin Swanson, conservation biologists and enthusiastic naturalists skilled in herp, bird, and mammal ID and natural history, for an intense day and night of herping and photography during Snake Days 2020, which occurs July 17th through 19th in Sanderson, Texas.  It’s a fun-filled event highlighting the conservation of reptiles and amphibians in the far West Texas region.  Part of the event includes a Bio-blitz challenge where participants search and observe as many species as possible while contributing to the Herps of Texas project on iNaturalist.org. The Swansons have participated in the event for five years running and typically observe 30-45 species during the bio-blitz including Eastern Black-Tailed Rattlesnake, Trans-Pecos Ratsnake, Desert Kingsnake, Texas Horned Lizard, Desert Box Turtle, Couch’s Spadefoot, and Red Spotted Toad.

The winners of this auction will have their choice of day and night on either July 17th or 18th. You should expect to spend much of the time riding with the Swansons possibly including a trip into Big Bend National Park, Black Gap Wildlife Management Area, and quiet corners of far West Texas.  Some short hikes (less than 0.5 miles) into uneven and rocky terrain can help yield observations, and you should be prepared for long periods of “road cruising” – or driving to observe herps on the road. Night-time road-cruising can provide great opportunities to see secretive snake species but usually requires very late nights, ending between 1-3 AM. Transportation to Sanderson, Texas is not included.

** Winners will be responsible for securing the necessary Texas Hunting License with the Reptile endorsement.

Organizers are working to secure accommodations for one night (to be determined).

Donated by:  Romey and Erin Swanson

Must be used July 17 – 19, 2020.