Winter Raptor Photo Tour in West Texas with Lee Hoy!

Winning Bid: $400.00

Item condition: New



Winter Raptor Photo Tour in West Texas with Lee Hoy!

Lee will help you target Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Ferruginous Hawk and many others on this one day West Texas photo excursion.  Two lucky photographers will get to explore primarily in the Fort Davis area.  This tour will begin just before sunrise as you search for Short-eared Owls and then photography as long as light is good. We will take a break during the mid-day and then resume for the evening session and shoot until just after too dark to keep shooting as we again look for owls. Window for this trip run from Jan-Feb 2020 and Nov-Dec 2020.  Guiding and transportation for the day is included.  (Hotel or meals are NOT included).

Set up your tour with Lee at:  432.386.6855 or

Donated by Lee Hoy – Bio:

Must be used in 2020 as per above months